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Articles about Possibility, Purpose, Sovereignty & the Sacred.

Gratitude: The Quiet But Powerful Transformer

No matter how down and out you think you are, there's always a quick way up and in.

While there is more than one path back to our power, Gratitude is a big one because it shifts us out of a state of perceived victimization back to a place where we realize we really do have a CHOICE.

And no matter how hard life gets, we always, always, have a choice of how we show up in the unfolding.

Gratitude fits this bill perfectly. It shatters our ‘lack’ framework and brings us back to the truth: that there are beautiful and meaningful things in our lives right here, right now, that exist in real time and space without anything having to change. It’s the unsung hero of true spiritual strength.

And this awareness is what delivers us back to the doorstep of our own sovereign power.

Click below to watch my 4-minute YouTube video where I talk a little more about the power of Gratitude.

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About the Author

Julie Franks Murray is an artist, writer & spiritual life coach. Over a decade ago, she succumbed to her own crucible experience where every single one of her inherited beliefs went through the white-hot fire of honest inquiry. After years of inner wrestling, she emerged reformed and now offers an unconventional, liberating, yet practical perspective on what it means to stand in personal sovereignty while bowing before the Great I AM.

Julie loves the provocative wisdom found in Creation, lively spiritual traditions, philosophy, archetypal psychology, and the catastrophic beauty of everyday life. She lives in southern Oklahoma with her husband, artist Keith Murray, two dog-daughters and one very fat cat named Little Bitty. She can be found binge-watching tiny house videos, trying to get her novel out of the ditch, & losing herself in the study of the Akashics.

Soul Alchemy is the process of making the inner truth conscious.