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Articles about Possibility, Purpose, Sovereignty & the Sacred.

Is Doing Our Sacred Work As Hard As We Make It?

Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. But either way, you can't allow yourself to give up.

After months and months of work, I’m about to get this backend blog tech figured out and my website fully re-launched! (And if you’re reading this, I’ve since succeeded!) What a long, frustrating ride it’s been just to get back to simplicity!

If you’re a consistent creator working hard to bring your visions to life, you know what I’m talking about. The journey isn’t easy. But when you know what you want – when you can SEE it – you have to buckle down through the slog.

I have more testing to do. But that’s always going to be the case.

‘Good enough and launched’ is better than ‘Perfect and always offline.’


The truly beautiful thing is: I’m on the downward slope and starting to see the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. All this effort is finally starting to pay off. And it’s electrifying.

The takeaway? You can’t give up on what you dream of creating. You can take breaks, even long ones (hello, I’ve been out of commission for a few years now while I trudged away at a j-o-b to pay for the mortgage and chicken, so I get it.)

But even as I’m starting to come out of a long winter’s nap, it certainly didn’t happen in a vacuum. I had to work hard to keep coming back to the things that matter most.

And because it’s SO important, I’m going to say that again: I had to work HARD to keep coming back to the things that matter most. That’s what our deepest dreams and most sacred desires require of us.

So it’s with understanding and compassion that I say: please don’t do yourself and the medicine you carry the disservice of giving up on your dreams.

Even when things get hard and the obstacles seem endless.

Even when you don’t know the way.

Even when you’re overwhelmed by all the options and choices.

Even when you don’t feel like you’ll never know enough. Or be enough.

But here’s the truth: you know enough to take the next step in front of you, and that’s all you have to take. That’s it. Each moment, each choice, you only ever have to take the next step.

Just one – right now.

Sometimes we make things harder than they have to be. And sometimes the next step is a hard one. But either way, the world wins when you find a way to bring your sacred vision to life.

When you do, the joy in your own heart is sublime and all-encompassing in a way that makes all the effort worthwhile.

Now I’ve got to go practice what I preach and take my own next step.

Bright Blessings to you on your own never-ending journey of Purpose!

Photo Credits: Myself, or unless otherwise stated.

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About the Author

Julie Franks Murray is an artist, writer & spiritual life coach. Over a decade ago, she succumbed to her own crucible experience where every single one of her inherited beliefs went through the white-hot fire of honest inquiry. After years of inner wrestling, she emerged reformed and now offers an unconventional, liberating, yet practical perspective on what it means to stand in personal sovereignty while bowing before the Great I AM.

Julie loves the provocative wisdom found in Creation, lively spiritual traditions, philosophy, archetypal psychology, and the catastrophic beauty of everyday life. She lives in southern Oklahoma with her husband, artist Keith Murray, two dog-daughters and one very fat cat named Little Bitty. She can be found binge-watching tiny house videos, trying to get her novel out of the ditch, & losing herself in the study of the Akashics.

Soul Alchemy is the process of making the inner truth conscious.